The lazy times are over the second semester off school is starting tomorrow, at least here in Vienna. To give you a good start I want to share some finds with you. Hope you enjoy it!

Musen-Shop ist in Berlin ansässig und dort frönen die Musen dem
Kreativrausch, zeichnen und malen gerne um der lieben Kunst willen und
produzieren feine kleine Dinge. Das finde ich großartig und deshalb empfehle ich euch ihrem Shop einen Besuch abzustatten, ihr findet ihn hier:
Let's start with this great ABC-Poster from the brilliant Musen-Shop in
Berlin. There the muses wallow in vice, draw and paint and produce fine
small things. They are great just visit their shop to see for yourself.
das Lernen macht natürlich auch hungrig, und damit eure Brotzeit auch
ja gut verpackt ist, gibt es dieses, wie ich finde, ganz großartige Jausensackerl.
Kristin von doodlebirddesigns lebt in Minneapolis und fertigt ganz großartige Lunchbags. Schaut doch einfach mal bei ihr vorbei, wenn ihr euer Mittagsessen fröhlich verpacken wollt. http://www.etsy.com/shop/doodlebirddesign
Studying makes hungry as we all know. For me there is no better place to
put your lunch in this hilarious lunch bag. Kristin from doodlebirddesign lives in Minneapolis and makes the funniest and nicest lunch bags I have ever seen. Just visit her shop to see for yourself. http://www.etsy.com/shop/doodlebirddesign
After all this fun, now it is time for more serious stuff. In school you
have to write a lot! Therefore, you of course need a notebook at best a
cheerful one. I have to admit I made the sky travelers notebook by
myself. But I really really like it and I hope you like it too!
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